Biological Applications
Topics in Nano-Biophotonics: Fabrication of Plasmonic Metasurfaces that Attract and Spectroscopically Interrogate Cancer Cells
Microfluidic Mixer for Time-Resolved Single-Molecule Fluorescence Experiments using Flip-Chip Bonded SU-8 Structures
Body-on-a-Chip Systems for Drug Development
Micropillar-Based Microfluidic Device for Cell Capture and DNA Analysis
The Number of SNARE Complexes Changing Conformation in Vesicle Fusion Events
Micropillar-Based Microfluidic Device for Cell Capture and DNA Analysis
MoS2 Pixel Sensors for Optical Detection of Redox Molecules
Silicon Nitride Cantilevers for Muscle Myofibril Force Measurements
DNA Unzipping by Resonator-Based nSWATs
Generalized Platform for Antibody Detection Immunosensor
Development of a Salivary Microfluidic Diagnostic Device Using Hot Embossing
Rapid Detection of Antimicrobial Susceptibility at the Point-of-Care
An in vacuo Microfluidic Mixer for Biological X-Ray Solution Scattering
Biomechanics of Bacteria
Design and Application of Microfluidic Devices to Study Cell Migration in Confined Environments
Zero-Mode Waveguides on Thin SiN Membranes for Efficient Single-Molecule Sequencing
Microfabricated Devices for Cell Organization
Electrochemical Detection Array Combining Amperometry and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence
Microfluidic Device for Studying HABs
Chip-Based Frequency Combs for High-Resolution OCT
Handheld Chem/Biosensor Combining Metasurfaces and Engineered Sensor Proteins to Enhance SPR
Scalable Sensor Array Platform for Analysis of Quantal Transmitter Release Events
Droplet-Microfluidic Device for Stem Cell Culture
Metasurfaces for Infrared Spectroscopy of Live Cells in a Microfluidic Chamber
Listeria Sensor Chip via SPR
Gut-on-a-Chip using Microfluidic Devices
Retinal Implant Project
Disseminating Glycocalyx Biopolymer-Induced Microvesicle Shedding through Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis and Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Investigation of the Mechanical Property of Drosophila Mature Oocytes using Microfluidic Devices
Rapid Point of Care Diagnostic for Sepsis Stratification
Patterning of Native Proteins in Supported Lipid Bilayers
Fabricating 2D Silica with Atomic Layer Deposition
Attonewton Sensitivity Magnet-Tipped Cantilevers and Sample Preparation for Single-Electron Spin Detection
Investigation of Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition with Microreactor and in situ Surface Analysis
Chemical Bonding Across the Periodic Table at High and Ambient Pressures
Substrate Preparation for Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy Experiments
A Thin Film Transfer Sample Preparation Technique for Single-Electron Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Study on the Electrochemically Stabilizing Effect of the High Dielectric Constant Oxide Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Electrodes in Aqueous Electrolytes
Measuring Refractive Index of Microscopy Slides
Vertical Tunneling Field Effect Transistors (Thin-TFETs) Based on BP/SnSe2 Heterostructure
Self-Assembled Silica Nano-Spheres for Dual Metal Junction-Barrier-Schottky Diodes
Room Temperature Microwave Oscillators Enabled by Resonant Tunneling Transport in III-Nitride Heterostructures
MBE Grown NPN GaN/InGaN HBTs on Bulk-GaN Substrates
Fabrication of GaN Quantum Well HEMTs
MoS2/PtSe2 MOSFETs and CMOS Integration
Fabrication of FETs Based on La-BaSnO3 Perovskite Oxide
Micro-Scale Opto-Electrically Transduced Electrodes (MOTEs)
New Photopatterning Materials for Advanced Lithography
Electrical Characterization of In2Ga2ZnO7 Crystallized by Millisecond Heating
Fused Silica Substrate and Silicon Absorber Film for use in Laser Spike Annealing (LSA)
Metal-Organic Complex Photoresists
Zinc-Based Nanoparticle Photoresist for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
Critical Size for Bulk-to-Discrete Transition in 2D Layers: Abrupt Size Effect Observed via Calorimetry and Solid-State NMR
Manipulating and Controlling Graphene Adhesion
Transient Laser Heating Derived Mesoporous Materials Directed by Gyroidal Templates from Block Copolymer Self-Assembly
Three-Dimensional Printing of Hierarchical Porous Architectures
Three-Dimensional Printing of ZnO Macrostructures with Antibacterial Properties and Low Resistivity
Novel Platform for Characterization of Nanostructured Polymer Brushes
Materials Characterization Work
Growth and Characterization of NbN/III-N Heterostructures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Nanotube Transistor Arrays on a TEM Substrate
Stacking of Van der Waals Hetero-Structures
Characterization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Utilizing Polymer Nanofibers in Microfluidic Devices for Liquid Separation Applications
Silica Glass Micropillar Fabrication
Mechanical Devices
Thin Films from Atomic Layer Deposition for Membranes, Metamaterials, and Micromachines
Graphene-Based Bimorphs for Micron-Sized Autonomous Machines
NEMS Electrostatic Switch for Near Zero Power RF Wakeup
Origin of Microlayer in Pool Boiling
Making a Microfluidic Device to Mimic Flow Through Porous Medium
Atomic-Scale Origami for the Fabrication of Micron Sized Machines
A MEMS Repulsive Force Accelerometer
Microfabrication of Micropillars inside a Microchannel
Micro-Pin Fin Heat Sinks
Optics & Opto-Electronics
Lithium Niobate Photonic Crystal Nanocavities
Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Waveguides for Tunable Second-Harmonic Generation
Rabi-Like Oscillations in Photon Pair Correlations
X-Ray Transmission Optics Development
TiO2 Slot Waveguide for Efficient On-Chip Raman Spectroscopy
Developing Full Wafer Blazed Grating Fabrication Method Using Stepper
512-Element Actively Steered Silicon Phased Array for Low-Power LIDAR
Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Deep UV Devices
Three-Dimensional Scanner Fabrication
Development of Single and Double Layer Anti-Reflective Coatings for Astronomical Instruments
Large Area Electrically Tunable Metalens
Multi-Resonant Bianisotropic Metagratings for Ultra-Efficient Diffraction of Mid-Infrared Light
Optical Masks for Imaging Exoplanets with Large Ground-Based Telescopes
Description of the Exploratory Etching and Electrodeposition Project
Physics & Nanostructure Physics
Characterization of Magnetic Thin Films for Actuating Origami Devices
Development of a MEMS Tool to Study the Physics of Water and Ice
Nanosecond Spin-Orbit Torque Switching of Three Terminal Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Low Write Error Rate
Reduction of the Spin Hall Angle in Oxygen-Doped Beta Tungsten
Study of Spin-Orbit Torques in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide / Ferromagnet Heterostructures
Spin Hall Effect in CaRuO3
Wrapping Microdroplets with Two-Dimensional Materials
Phase Transition and Equilibrium in Nanoconfinement
Vortex Dynamics in Nanofabricated Superconducting Devices
Fabrication of Nanofluidic Cavities for Superfluid 3He Studies
Fabrication of Nanoscale Josephson Junctions for Quantum Coherent Superconducting Circuits
Fabrication of Superconducting Devices for Quantum Information Science
Anomalous Nernst Imaging of Uncompensated Moments in Antiferromagnetic FeRh Thin Films
Manipulating Topological Spin Textures in Spin-Valve Type Nanopillars
Diamond-Based Hybrid Quantum Mechanical Systems
Properties of Isolated Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Extreme Light-Bending and Trapping with a Simple Cubic Optical Photonic Crystal
Development of Scanning Graphene Hall Probes for Magnetic Microscopy
Gigahertz Surface Acoustic Waves on Periodically Patterned Layered Nanostructures
Magnetic Imaging of Ionic Liquid Gated Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Process & Characterization
Nanoscale Periodic Features with a 5x Autostep i-line Stepper
Development of GaN Vertical Trench-MOSFET with MBE Regrown Channel
Characterization of (AlxGa1-x)2O3 Thin Films Grown on <010> B-Ga2O3 by MBE
Device Processes and Electrical Characteristics of First 1 kV Ga2O3 Vertical Power Transistors
Side-Coupled Microfluidics for Biosensor
Size Characterization of Plasma Membrane Vesicles, Virus Particles, and Microvesicles
Hard Mask Fabrication from Block Copolymer Templates and Atomic Layer Deposition
Photocurable Nanoimprint Lithography (P-NIL): An Enabling Technology for MEMS and Nanophotonics
PS-PMMA Block Copolymer Lithography for Sub-25 nm Periodic Features