CNF Takes on Insectapalooza with Captivating Lantern Fly Display

CNF took part in Insectapalooza, an annual event at Cornell's Department of Entomology. They used a portable scanning electron microscope to showcase the anatomy of spotted lantern flies, demonstrating the importance of nanoscale exploration in research.
CNF Staff Present at NNT2023

Local Modification of Polymer Properties in Nanoimprint: PMMA under UVC Irradiation
2023 Research Experience Undergraduates Program

The 2023 CNF Research Experiences for Undergraduates program brought together students from across the nation for a 10-week long comprehensive research experience, concluding with a convocation to present their research findings.
Nanoday 2023 was a Riot!

Nanoday 2023 was a Riot!
Ober & National Academy of Engineering

Christopher K. Ober has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
24/7 Operation Resumes at CNF, Monday April 1
Cleanroom open M-F 8AM-10PM, Sat 9AM-5PM
CNF to Launch Cutting-Edge Matterport CNF Virtual Cleanroom Experience

The Cornell Nanoscale Facility (CNF) partners with the New York State 4-H Program to launch the Matterport CNF Virtual Cleanroom Experience, a fully immersive virtual tour of their nanofabrication cleanroom facility, as an effort to bridge technology and
Judy Cha named Director of CNF

Judy Cha Named the Lester B. Knight Director of CNF
CNF's Knight Laboratory Hosts NYS 4-H Program Youth

CNF hosts youth in Lester B. Knight Laboratory as part of NYS 4-H University U Program
Director Christopher Ober gives final “Lester Talk” at CNF REU Presentation
Director Christopher Ober gives final “Lester Talk” at CNF REU Presentation as he steps down from his director position of 7 years.