Directions and Parking
The Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) main office is located at:
250 Duffield Hall, 343 Campus Road, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-2700.
Directions to Cornell University
- Closest Airports:
- Train Service:
- Amtrak serves Syracuse, NY.
- Bus Service:
- Bus services to Ithaca are available through:
- These services include daily connections to/from New York City.
- Local Transit:
- Bus service within Cornell campus, the City of Ithaca, and Tompkins County is provided by TCAT.
- Ithaca is also served by Uber, Lyft, and various taxi services such as Ithaca Dispatch and Collegetown Cab.
If you park on campus, there is an hourly or daily fee for parking. It is the traveler’s responsibility to understand Cornell parking regulations and address any parking tickets incurred.
For additional information, visitors may contact the following offices:
- Office of Visitor Relations: (607) 254-4636 (INFO)
- Office of Transportation: (607) 255-4600
These offices are available Monday through Friday to assist with any questions or concerns.
Lodging Information
For lodging options, you can find more details on the Visit Ithaca website - Places to Stay.