The Cornell Visualization and Imaging Partnership (CVIP) allows researchers to discover and access tools and services at both the Cornell NanoScale Facility and the Biotech Imaging Facility via a cross-center collaboration at Cornell. The following state-of-the-art micro- and nanofabrication tools are available in the Biotech Imaging Facility:
High-resolution X-ray Computed Tomography (CT)
- Super resolution microscope (Zeiss Elyra PS.1)
- Light sheet microscope (LaVision BioTec)
- Confocal multiphoton microscope upright (Zeiss LSM880 “u880”)
- Confocal multiphoton microscope inverted (Zeiss LSM880 “i880”)
- Confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM710)
- Spinning disk confocal microscope (Andor)
- Fluorescence upright metamorph (Olympus)
- Stereomicroscope (Zeiss)